Old Dominion Military Society
About Us

Old Dominion Military Society (ODMS) is a loosely knit club of wargamers that have been gaming together for several decades. Ever since the late 1980s we have met, weekly, to play games, discuss the hobby, and share information concerning miniatures, rulesets, history, and figure painting. The group is open to all wargamers, to discuss their activities and events. We serve as a focus for miniature wargamers in Southeastern Virginia, where we organize weekly game meetups and also promote several special wargaming events through the year, and an number of annual conventions.
Who We Are
Our Current Board of Directors
President - Chris Garcia
Vice President - Stephen Preston
Treasurer - Jim Russell
Communications - Chuck Turnitsa
At Large Board Members
Moe Schiedel
John Callahan
James Curtis
Ben Marsh
John Snelling